Chloé L'Eau Eau de toilette

Chloé L'Eau Eau de toilette

The radiant beauty of a woman following her own path. Chloé L'EAU, a fresh declaration of independence that puts the characteristic scent in a new, unique light. Light and effortlessly feminine, L'EAU is the essence of a woman who is one with the infinite elegance of nature and with herself.

Released: 2019
Audience: Woman
Fragrance: Eau de toilette
Online stores
Store Price Delivery us Total Stock 50ml € 72.95 € 72.95 Visit 50ml $ 95.00 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 (€ 82.61) Visit
Fragrancenet 100ml $ 90.29 $ 90.29 (€ 82.88) Visit
Store Price Stock 50ml € 72.95 Visit 50ml $ 90.00 Visit
Fragrancenet 100ml $ 90.29 Visit
Chloé L'Eau Eau de toilette